Follow up on my LinkedIn Bot

Procrastination might be the queen of productivity.

I kept on coding my linkedIn Bot.  It's available at this url for now: 

What it does now is: 
Every morning it wakes up. It checks for all users if is going to write a post for that user. There's 5 chances out of 7 it will. 

The post is going to be small or long, 1 chance out of 2 it is one or the other.

Also randomly, it makes a call to create an image that suits the post, and if it does repost the image, it resizes it to fit Linkedin prefered size.

The user input 5 things: 

1. The user gives a full description of what they are as a poster - this is what is going to define the system prompt.
2. The user gives the tones of the articles. These are then selected randomly every time. 
3. The user gives writing styles. 
4. The user gives the themes the posts are going to be about, also selected randomly. 
5. The user gives a last indication for long prompts. ( mine is, for example, to add a TL;DR at the end) 
So far the bot is kinda working for me.

The small issue I had was of trust. I have put in my system prompt that I have a daughter, which makes for cute posts. 
Alas, when people learn that my daughter didn't say or do what the post says they do, they feel betrayed. And maybe rightfully so. 

So now, for my post, and only for mine, the bot adds a line indicating that the posts were written by my personal bot. 
They still get likes and comments, which is fun.